ArmyofRobots Games released a new game called Invasive Species 2: The Hive and the version is 0.2.7. The game’s story is about You are a Thrall; an alien creature engineered for infiltration and complex tasks at the behest of your master. You’ve been dispatched to Earth, the Master’s favored hunting grounds, to establish a hive of humans you must indoctrinate and breed to produce minions of your own. With your forces, you will gather resources to improve your position, improve your hive-building craft, and investigate what alien influence has recently come to Earth and is stealing the Master’s favorite source of new breeders.
Developer: | ArmyofRobots |
File Size: | 437 MB |
Version: | 0.2.7 |
OS: | Windows |
Languages: | English |
Game Version Changelog:
- Refactor of player variables into a single unified class and replacement of all references and modifiers to fit this new design. This ended up being a significantly larger task than expected, but will make future changes significantly easier
- Added an indicator to the three starting girls to keep you from wasting a click when they cannot be bred more times in a given day
- Added new random encounter for Arch Street
- Added a new option for capturing Olivia
- New day start menu to help better see and experience events
- Piper Fawn images swapped for Alyssa Hart images as we were having trouble finding content for Piper
- New random encounters for the apartment complex
- New random encounter on Duvall Street
- New Midori Content (Thanks Lost_AI!)
- New girl to meet (though not yet capture) Tiffany
- Additional images for milking all captives
Bug fix
- Found a bug that would allow you to still capture some girls even if your captive capacity was maxed out
- Fixed a number of typos and misspellings
- Fixed a mistake that failed to read the player’s name in a piece of dialogue
- Edited descriptive text for the morning to reflect the change in how that is handled
- Fixed issue where some girl data screens wouldn’t let you return to game properly (Thanks Snakemann!)
- Fixed bug that would allow milk amount generated per day to exceed storage indefinitely
Known Issue:
- Using the cheat menu and never buying from the hardware store will cause certain events to not fire
- There’s a line of dialogue that presumes you have Monique before Yuna is missing; this will be fixed by a conditional check in a later release
- New Kitchen event is not firing
- Menu UI for energy/health bars is not updating correctly
- Kim, Dani, and Yuna aren’t “available” after the conclusion of the story arc; this will be amended in a future update
- Added Tier 1 & 2 Upgrades for player HP cap
- Added Tier 1 & 2 Upgrades for player Energy cap
- Added Tier 1 & 2 Upgrades for player Pheromones cap
- Added tracking for number of Thralls sent to HQ via the teleporter (this will eventually be used to track your contributions to the larger war effort to both advance story and trigger events)
- Rachel now has her story advanced rather than being a one and done or missed character if you don’t snatch her behind the library first time. You can find her for a low suspicion route to add her to your hive now.
- Rachel now has video instead of only images for her repeatable event
- SirTwist(TM) tech in to reduce milking energy costs (this should work for group milking and individual milking scenes; please let us know if we missed one)
- Milking Energy Cost text updated to be dynamic instead of static
- Logic checks to see if the player has enough energy to perform a milking adjusted to dynamic instead of static value check
- Maya added as an encounterable character
- Kim story arc added to
- Can now buy the fire axe in the Hardware Store (after the Blackmail plot)
- Added a warning to any conversation where you can miss out on a girl with the wrong choice
- New random encounter chance at the faculty offices (repeatable)
- Additional possible content with group milking
- New location – college laboratory (very little content so far, accessible from the faculty offices)
Bug fix
- Fixed text spacing in Naomi’s weekly event
- Fixed a typo in Olivia’s main event
Known Issue:
- Using the cheat menu and never buying from the hardware store will cause certain events to not fire
- The image at the top of the next day menu is changed. We’re in the midst of working on how the day starts to better handle multiple events firing at the same time. The next day will be starting in the cave going forward even if text doesn’t yet match this change.
- There’s a line of dialogue that presumes you have Monique before Yuna is missing; this will be fixed by a conditional check in a later release
- We’re having issues getting the end of the Kim arc to work correctly, so we have another cutout link in place while we work on finishing out the mechanics.
- Strength upgrades added to the bio tech menu; currently up to tech level 2
- Dexterity upgrades added to the bio tech menu; currently up to tech level 2
- Wood gather Tier 2 mission added
- Biomatter gather Tier 2 mission added
- Olivia fully capturable, interactable
Bug fix
- Fixed a math mistake in a combat scene
- Fixed a mistake in how stats are calculated for some events
- Fixed a menu mistake deducting the wrong number of Thrall losses from some missions
- Some Lair Tech menu items will no longer redirect to the Bio Tech menu
- Fixed bug that would occasionally cause a successful resource raid to subtract resources instead of add them
- Fixed a problem with link display in the cave menu
- Found and fixed an issue causing some dialogue options to appear as the same line
- Fixed the extra message appearing if you blew up the hunter alien
- Broken image fix
Known Issue:
- Using the cheat menu and never buying from the hardware store will cause certain events to not fire
- The image at the top of the next day menu is changed. We’re in the midst of working on how the day starts to better handle multiple events firing at the same time. The next day will be starting in the cave going forward even if text doesn’t yet match this change.
- There’s a line of dialogue that presumes you have Monique before Yuna is missing; this will be fixed by a conditional check in a later release
- Main storyline still ends where the prior version does with the second lighthouse mission. This content is still in development.
Developer Notes:
None of us are professionals; we are a team from a number of spots around the world. Not all of us have English as first language and there may be problems. We try our best to delivery an entertaining title, but there will be issues, please let us know so they can be fixed.
We’re aiming to add more depth, refactor the code into something that supports more ambitious aims, and improve the UI. Here’s how we’re laying out the plan:
- Incorporate or build an RPG stats and combat engine into the game
- Allow for a higher magnitude of resource production/consumption as the game picks up complexity, player acquires more sites, has to choose who will be where and what advantages/disadvantages this will bring
- Expanded Tech tree through level 3
- This includes adding more techs particularly around building your base, combat, and more upgrades for the player character
- UI upgraded to be both easier to read and use
This will not be completed in a single update, but a series of updates. The key for us is continuing to balance releases that move us in this direction while also adding content and story so that you, the players, will have something new to see each time and help us find bugs and issues; as well as making suggestions. This game has only moved along at the pace it has so far thanks to the involvement of the community and the whole team thanks you for your efforts.
Game Images & Screenshots